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Omega Chapter

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

John 14:1-3

King James Version

  • 14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
  • 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
  • 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
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Omega Chapter as of 3/ 1/2022
First Name Last Name Initiation Date First Name Last Name Initiation Date First Name Last Name Initiation Date
J.E. Blackwell 1950 John O Vereen 11/15/1950 David S Richardson 1/4/1965
Daniel Brockman 5/12/1947 Curtis A Brown 2/1/1951 Herman Boseman 4/29/1966
Willis Brown Jr. 5/12/1947 Booker Bolden 4/20/1951 Audley Bridges 12/1/1967
Cole Gilliam 5/12/1947 Fidi Giles 4/20/1951 Daniel Thomas 12/1/1967
Ezekiel L Jefferson 5/12/1947 Jeff Brown 11/13/1951 James P Zimmerman 12/1/1967
Francis Jones 5/12/1947 James B Coleman 11/13/1951 Leroy Brown 12/6/1968
Herman Kirby 5/12/1947 William Eddings 11/13/1951 Eddie Byrd 12/6/1968
Marquis D Singleton 5/12/1947 Saul Jones 11/13/1951 Bennie Mitchell Jr 12/6/1968
Charlton Caldwell 4/12/1948 Oscar Kemp 11/13/1951 James W Sweeney 12/6/1968
Ernest Tolden Jr 4/12/1948 Fames Little 11/13/1951 Jesse E Allen 4/24/1969
John O Childers 4/15/1948 Haskel Murray 11/13/1951 Johnny Lee Thomas 3/28/1980
James H Coleman 4/15/1948 Charles Owens 11/13/1951 Wayne Speller 9/24/1982
Thomas Davis 4/15/1948 Thomas Williams 11/13/1951 Sammie White 3/27/1987
Thomas Freeman 4/15/1948 Willie A Corry 11/18/1953 Oscar Wilson 3/27/1987
Lewis Gold 4/15/1948 Carl E Mccarter 11/18/1953 David Chapman 12/9/1989
James R Hudgens 4/15/1948 Edward C Myers 11/18/1953 Zhavonne Davis 4/16/1992
C.M. Johnson 4/15/1948 Richard Myers 4/29/1954
Theodore R Lewis 4/15/1948 Varlee Goolsby 11/17/1955
Abraham L McPhail 4/15/1948 Bennie Williams 11/17/1956
Ozie Reuben 4/15/1948 Milton Kempson 4/20/1957
James Woods 4/15/1948 Oliver E Young 4/27/1957
James B Woods 4/15/1948 William Gleaton 12/5/1957
John Bailey 4/12/1949 Ronald Conwell 5/6/1958
John James Jr. 4/12/1949 Wilbert Epps 5/6/1958
Clarence B Vaughn 4/12/1949 James Greene 12/6/1958
Chester Alford 11/12/1949 Richard Counts 5/8/1959
Ralph Hazelton 11/12/1949 Kenneth Sadler 5/8/1959
Robert M McCray 11/12/1949 Aaron Hough 12/12/1959
Lewis B Perkins 11/12/1949 Tony Minus 12/12/1959
Mark Sharpe 11/12/1949 Milton Greene 5/4/1960
Thomas Sumners 11/12/1949 Ishmael Holley Jr. 12/2/1960
Jackson Bossard 4/4/1950 June Tobias 12/2/1960
Edwin Coleman 4/4/1950 Roosevelt Williams 12/1/1961
Charles L Lee 4/4/1950 William W Jeter 4/28/1962
Luther Suber 4/4/1950 John Land 4/28/1962
Richard Bennett 11/15/1950 Arthur Tucker 4/28/1962
Ulysses Horne Jr 11/15/1950 Bernard Gilliam 11/30/1962
Jack Muldrow 11/15/1950 Robert W Sorrell 11/30/1962
Harry N Pressey 11/15/1950 Henry Marshall 4/26/1963
Albert Reid 11/15/1950 James L Price 4/26/1963
Nathan Sesson 11/15/1950 Mark Williams 4/26/1963
James H Thompson 11/15/1950 Howard Wright 4/10/1964
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